Showing 37–48 of 99 results
6248 Okin 3 Pin Power Cord
$34.50 -
6250 Okin Plastic Connector
$24.50 -
6252 Okin Push Tube Metal Connector (On End of Lift Tube)
$37.50 -
6253 Okin Moving Block for La Z Boy BetaDrive Motor
$72.50 -
6257 Recline Strap Bracket for Lift Chair
$62.00 -
6282 Okin Bed Motor Actuator KIT for Okimat II for Hospital & Adjustable Beds
$252.75 -
6284 Okin Bed Spindle Block Assembly for Okimat II Bed Motors
$82.50 -
6298 Paddle Switch Lift Chair or Power Recliner Hand Control 6601 FR2,Black
$42.00 -
6299 Raffel Systems HC-6601-FR4 Power Recline with Massage Hand Control
$70.75 -
7202 Limoss MD140 Linear Actuator Part #450312
$188.50 -
7203 Limoss 450427 MD140-02-L1-157-204 Power Recliner Replacement Motor Actuator for Part #’s 450427
$158.50 -
7206 Limoss 451310 Power Recliner Motor Actuator MD141-30-L1-157-333